To assist all levels within your organization, the following learning opportunities are available for 10 or 500 individuals -- managers, staff and support personnel -- customized to your Vision, Mission, Values, Expectations and Organizational Needs --
- Basic Facilitation Skills
- Basics of Project Management
- Become a More Effective Manager/Supervisor!
- Clarifying Decision-Making Roles for Good Working Relationships
- Communication Through Writing -- What, Why, How, When and Where
- Emotional Intelligence (IQ or EQ)
- Facilitating the Strategic Planning Process
- Giving/Receiving Effective Feedback
- Keys to Effective Presentations
- Listening To and Satisfying Your Customers
- Problem Solving Tips/Techniques
- Stratgegies for Building, Repairing, and Enhancing Working Relationships
- What's In Your Future? -- Personal Development Plan
has trained over 4,000 facilitators locally, nationally and internationally!!!